Consumer Reporter
Thursday, 8:37 a.m.
If you have ever wanted to produce your own "cheaper than dirt" survival food... this is going to be the most important message you will ever read.
There now exists a time-tested video course that reveals how to safely prepare and store foods in the event of a dangerous food crisis. It's designed for anyone who is frustrated with rising grocery prices and the very real possibility of empty shelves in 2025.
The success of the new videos has already encouraged hundreds of people who never thought they could preserve their own food to take action and finally start storing their emergency supply.
It's true, real food shortages and the threat of skyrocketing food prices this fall are being predicted not only by self-reliance types and survivalists... but by legislators, big banks and small farmers. Perhaps we won't go through this again...
Could This Happen Again?
But we are already going through some stuff. People are hitting the food pantries pretty hard. In fact... some lines are miles long. You've probably seen some of the pictures. Seems surreal in that the pics demonstrate an odd, out of whack situation where really expensive cars are in miles long lines to get a small amount of free food. Here's one such picture:
If it did happen again... would the initial stages look like this?
That's a lot of cars and a lot of hungry people I suppose. But the food pantries like the meat brokers are burning though current inventory. When it's gone, there will be issues reloading.
So far so good, right? But this fall could bring different problems. And that's if we all go back to work today. But as this drags on... each day we all stay at home means more issues. It's compounding. And it looks more like geometric or even exponential problems with supply chain issues.
This will turn into real suffering this fall and winter. Perhaps the likes which we haven't seen for a while here on this land.
But it's more than that... Americans who know their history understand all too well, suffering tends to bring out the ugly side in human nature. Right now, Americans just change channels when they see others hungry on television. But it seems America could be next.
The dollar is quickly losing value from printing money and the U.S. is still all too dependent on foreign food production. It comes as no surprise that grocery bills are rising faster than incomes. Wheat, corn, soybeans, bread, apples, beef, chicken, eggs, and milk... prices for these items are now rising to reflect the shortages and supply chain disruptions.
More and more "sheltered in place" Americans are feeling the pinch which now includes food issues. Many "experts" think we could be approaching the greatest disaster in the country's history. Many Americans are starting to prepare for the worst.
The good news is that there is still time for you to prepare, but you have to start learning how to "store up" and produce your own survival foods as soon as humanly possible. The best way to do it is to get the inside scoop on how to do it right the first time. Fortunately, there is a way to get twenty years worth of food storage secrets crammed into this crash course on food preservation and storage.
Our food storage system is called Food Storage Secrets.
It's great because you don't need a lot of expensive equipment to store a lot of food using the methods taught here. Even better, Food Storage Secrets pays for itself quickly as you begin to put away garden produce or even meats that you buy on sale. For most folks it's simply the biggest bargain of their lives.
You can finally become self-sufficient and any extra money saved in food expense goes right back to your pocket. Frankly, at the end of the day, Food Storage Secrets actually makes you money!
What's more, the crash course takes you by the hand, step by step, through the entire process of "putting away" almost any food you can think of.
It's very much like having a food storage professional right there with you every step of the way.
It's extremely easy to start preserving and storing food using these time-tested methods, and you can immediately understand why actual users of the "Food Storage Secrets" system are saying things like this:
Traci W.
Evanston, IN
"For the last four years my New Year's Resolution was to learn how to do my own canning in the event of an emergency. Finally after watching your videos, I'm putting up every kind of food you can think of."
Traci W. / Evanston, IN
Stephen M.
Savanna, IL
"I bought a book at Barnes and Noble on canning. It had a lot of pictures but I have to admit it wasn't until I watched one of your videos that it all seemed to come together. We're even using your system to can wild game. Nothing gets wasted anymore. We're canning everything in sight! You're on my Christmas list for life!"
Stephen M. / Savanna, IL
Jennifer A. Stanhope, NJ
"Growing up in a house where my mother canned food every year I thought I knew everything there was to know. I was astounded by the things I didn't know about and learned. I'm really happy with the videos."
Jennifer A. / Stanhope, NJ
Many experts believe the global food shortage will become the greatest crisis in American history.
It depends. They won't help you if you just buy them and put them on a shelf somewhere. It's best if you really want to get off-the-grid, prepare for a potential crisis and learn to be self-sufficient.
Food shortages are now certain in the U.S. by this fall and winter. It's not "if" but when. Here's another thought: One single strategic terrorist bombing could... at this point... since we are extremely vulnerable... literally empty grocery store shelves for months at a time.
Will you be ready for another "black swan" when the unthinkable actually happens? Sadly, most Americans will not be. Most will demand that the government "do something." But the truth is...
Any more than it helped with the virus itself. You're going to have to face up to it, when a crisis arises, you and your family will be on your own. And if you want to be able to help others, you will need to have a basement or pantry full of stored foods.
Just imagine the peace of mind you'll enjoy knowing your family will have enough to eat... no matter what happens! Lastly, you'll also be able to say good-bye to being a super-market slave.
Every time you go to your basement or pantry and grab a jar of your private food supply, you are truly self-sufficient and finally off the establishment food grid. What's more... the course is...
The goal of this detailed video "crash course" is to teach families like yours the easiest, quickest and absolutely best way to food security, self-sufficiency... food storage... with the top canning secrets available. No special skills required. No need to spend a lot of money to get started either. Call it hunger insurance.
Here are some of the things you'll learn:
Absolutely everything you need to know is in this food storage secrets course. Someone once said that these videos are the ultimate "all you need to know" private lessons on preparedness.
And if there ever was a time to learn all you can on preparing for hard times, it's now. Here's more of what you will learn about food storage tactics and strategies:
Best of all, you'll learn how to turn each jar of prepared food into canned "Super Food" by adding a very powerful ingredient that can change the way you think about storing food forever. You'll now produce your own "foods that heal" any time you want, anywhere you want. It's easy once you know the secrets. And...
Naturally, we want you to have every single advantage when it comes to canning and storing your own foods. Which is why we want you to have our FREE 63-page Companion Canning and Food Preservation Manual too!
This robust guide is packed with all kinds of valuable information, including quick-reference charts, full-color diagrams, and even tasty recipes.
You'll discover the exact tools you'll need to start canning; step-by-step instructions for canning different types of foods; processing times for fruits, vegetables, and meats; how to keep jars from breaking; common canning problems and solutions; how to "put up" food at high altitudes; and much, much more!
This supplemental guide is the perfect companion for your Food Storage Secrets crash-course.
We charged $97.00 a few years back, but now...
The Cost Of The "Food Storage Secrets" Digital Crash-Course Is Just $49.95
For the absolute fastest way to order: Just click on the Order Now button below.
Here's To Surviving the Coming Food Shortage,
Mike Walters
P.S. The best time to learn this stuff is today. Literally no downside.
Yes Mike! Send Me the "Food Storage Secrets" Crash-Course for: $49.95
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Food Storage Secrets
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2200 IL Rte 84